Searching from Tiraspol:
Scheshko Family from Tiraspol and Odessa
This is a photograph of Scheshko family. We know that Scheshkos lived in Odessa and Tiraspol in late 1800s and early 1900s. On the photo, the parents: Shimel Scheshko and Khaya Brana Scheshko nee Pechnik and their children. We were able to find metrical records for some of them: Malka, Itskhok Meer, Tema, twins Mendel and Sura, and Feyga Sosya. Malka and Itskhok Meer immigrated to the US in early 1900s, the rest of the family stayed behind.
Shimel’s name is listed on a memorandum of Tiraspol Relief Committee dated 1922. Former residents of Tiraspol who settled in the US were helping their families in Tiraspol to survive famine of early 1920s by sending them money. It is possible that the rest of the family was staying in Tiraspol. However, no records supporting this assumption have been found and we could find no traces of the family anywhere. We hope that someone who knows the family would read this information and will contact via email.
More information about Scheshko Family can be found here https://enteringthepale.com/2017/11/15/finding-names-for-the-photograph/
Gutshtein family from Tiraspol
This is a photograph of the Gutshtein family that immigrated from Tiraspol to the US in early 1900s. On the photo Mordche, son of Aron Gutshtein, Neche Gutshtein, daughter of Shlomo Leibovich, their children, and Mordche's niece - Tsivya Gutshtein. Mordche came to America first. The ship's log says that Mordche went to his brother-in-law, Max, whose name was almost impossible to make out due to sloppy handwriting of the clerk. Soon, Mordche's pregnant wife and five children sailed across the ocean to reunite with their husband and father. On the way to America, poor Neche gave birth to a girl. One can only imagine what the family went through during their journey to America.
Mordche's niece, Tsivya, came to America and stayed with her uncle's family for awhile. Tsivya's father, Borukh, remained in Tiraspol, according to ship's manifest.
There is a burial at Tiraspol Jewish Cemetery for Chaim, son of Borukh
Gutshtein (1897-1974). The inscription on the tombstone says, " To dear father
from grieving children, grandchildren, daughter-in-law, and nieces." Chaim
is quite likely to be Tsivya's brother. Judging by the tombstone inscription,
he had children, grandchildren and nieces, but unfortunately there is no
trace of Chaim's family after 1974.
Tsivya's grandson says that his grandmother corresponded with her family
from Tiraspol in the 1950 - 1960 s, and letters from Tiraspol were all cut up
by censorship. He remembers that the letters looked like a sieve: there were
more words cut out than those that remained. Unfortunately, these letters
have been lost. Relatives in the USA hope that they will be able to find this
family and learn about the fate of the Tiraspol Gutshteins.
Maybe someone who knows this family will read this message and will help
to connect two branches of Gutshteins. Thanks! email
More information about Gutshtein family can be found here https://enteringthepale.com/2018/05/10/goodstein-cousins/
Tiraspol family
I am looking for Entis, Zdorovyak and Margulis families. My great grandmother Zlata Entis (nee Margulis) was killed in Tiraspol ghetto or somewhere else near Tiraspol. Email
Looking for information about my paternal grandfather Harry Aaron Zvi Hirsch Temczick Temsin Thompson
He and his wife, Dwojre Stein, immigrated to NY in 1906. On his naturalization petition he lists himself as Harry Temsin, with Tiraspol as his birth place. Here is his info: Harry Aaron Zvi Hirsch Temczick Temsin Thompson BIRTH 20 APR 1880 • Russia DEATH 1954 • Orangeburg, Rockland, New York, USA His half brother is listed as Louis/Leib Mutchnik. I have no information about why the names are different. My great grandfather's Yiddish name from my grandfather's tombstone is: Moise Yitzhak Does anyone have any information or connections, or any suggestions about how I should look for further information? Thank you! email
I'm looking for information on the Fuhrman Family from 'Timaspol' listed on the ship manifest. Could be Tiraspol or Tomashpol, but hoping to confirm! Grandfather Gershon, grandmother Chaja, Aunts Feige and Schleine and my father was Sandel. Immigrated to US in 1913. Gershon was born 1/15/1881 and Chaja was born in 1887. Thank you! email

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